I am an active duty officer in the U.S. Marine Corps. All views expressed in this blog are my personal views as an individual and not those of the Marine Corps or the Department of Defense.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Happy Veteran's Day

Last week I got back from a month in the desert around Yuma, AZ.  Things I did during that month:
  • Sweat
  • Sleep in a tent
  • Sweat while sleeping in a tent
  • Subsist on MREs (snacks only), Date Shakes and sand
  • Displace five times
  • Participate in three convoys
  • Attend an unknown number of late-night briefs
  • Experience some of the best the MST has to offer
  • Set my personal (albeit humble) record at 10 days in a row without a shower 
Naturally, I had a great time.  Why?  Well...

If you noticed the guys on the hilltop controlling aircraft (from about the 2 minute mark on), that was at a position called OP (Observation Point) Feets, and it's where I was working for the first week of the exercise.  Here are a few of my own pics and vids from there:

 Controlling atop OP Feets (note the field 'stache already coming in)

Cobra inbound 

Cobra gun run

Cobras rockets and guns
(it was extremely windy on OP Feets, probably 50+ mph winds at times)

Mock-up targets

Sunset at Feets
Cobra attack at dusk


Rockets.  Held an NVG (night vision goggle) over the lens.

More rockets and guns in the dark

More NVG action

Fixed-wing ordnance.  Boom.

OP Feets - not a fun climb


Weather inbound
The second week we controlled from various LZs and FARPs (Forward Arming and Refeuling Points).

LZ Star

CH-53's with some externals


CH-53E conducting mid-air refueling with the KC-130

KC-130 dumping extra fuel before returning to base

At FARP Star a few days later... 

UH-1 Huey

Three Cobras, just after getting jumped by two Hinds

A Hind

Getting "strafed" by a Hind

Moonrise over the FARP

"Devastate Bravo"

For the second two weeks, I was back with the main DASC as we displaced from one garden spot to another.

Tent living

Getting dirty

Desert dwellers

On the firing line at Fire Base Burt 

Taking a break during a convoy

At least there are nice sunsets in the desert

Well time to go enjoy the rest of my 96.  Happy 236th, Marines, and Happy Vets Day to all!

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