I am an active duty officer in the U.S. Marine Corps. All views expressed in this blog are my personal views as an individual and not those of the Marine Corps or the Department of Defense.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Only 30 minutes a day on line, so apologies for the series of brief posts (I've used up 25 already today on e-mail so this is going to be messy and disjointed). 

ANYway, just wanted to let you know a little about what's going on.  Been at Lash for a day or two now - I really have a hard time keeping track of the days on deployment for some reason.  It's a small base - helo landing zone, chow hall, living tents, a small NAAFI (PX), some computer and phone terminals, and of course a bunch of work spaces including mine.  The Brits are fun, relaxed, and very hard on Americans.  Now accepting witty comeback contributions.

I live in a tent with maybe a dozen other guys, each separated from each other by some hanging sheets.  I sleep on a cot, so far in my sleeping bag but I'll probably get some kind of bedding here soon.  Unfortunately, we're scheduled to move a few times as they upgrade some tents, so I'm trying not to get too settled in yet.

Well just like that my 30 minutes are up.  More on life in Lash, and hopefully some pics, soon!

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